2024: PROTECT the Squad

In 2024, we are going to prove that running on climate is a winning strategy and doing fossil fuel billionaires bidding spells an end to your political career. The first step? Protecting members of the Squad who were Green New Deal champions on Day 1 from primary challengers backed by millions in right-wing money.

Summer Lee’s election is first on April 23rd. We are going to make sure she resoundingly defeats the right-wing billionaires trying to unseat her. When we do, we will send a message loud and clear to anyone coming at the Squad this year: they aren’t going anywhere.

Before all the attack ads from the other side kick off, we’re calling to voters in her district to let them know about how Summer has stood up for working class people. In just a year, she’s brought over a billion dollars to the district to improve schools, transition to renewable energy, and more.

Sunrise Movement endorses Summer Lee

To have the best shot at winning the kind of sweeping Green New Deal legislation we need and deserve, we need each and every one of the Squad members to win this year. It’s not going to be easy — they’re going to face tens of millions of dollars in vicious attack ads intended to confuse voters.

We have a plan to make millions of phone calls to voters in their districts this spring and summer to talk about how the squad has stood up for working people, people of color, and young people, and why it’s so important we send them back to Washington DC next year.

We’re looking for people to join our 2024 Electoral Fellowship to help make our plan to re-elect the Squad. All you need is some time and excitement to get out the vote for our Green New Deal champions — you don’t need to have previous experience doing something like this. You’ll learn how to lead phonebanks, do social media for these campaigns, train other volunteers, and more. You will be supported by a manager, a team of fellows, written and recorded resources, and the cohort as a whole.

Sunrise Movement Proudly Re-endorses the squad!