Past actions

June 2019 — DNC Headquarters Climate Debate Sit-In

A young Sunrise activist sits on the steps of the DNC headquarters in DC, holding an "11 years" sign. She is surrounded by fellow activists.

Sunrise brought the demand for a Climate Debate to the front steps of the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington, D.C., blocking the locked entrance to the building with a sit-in for three days. We pushed DNC Chair Tom Perez to give voters what they deserve; an opportunity to hear each candidate’s plan to address the biggest existential threat we face. Armed with pizza, sleeping bags, and signs, Sunrisers refused to leave the steps of the DNC until they scheduled a vote for a Climate Debate at their August meeting. 

A Sunrise organizer leads a large group of fellow Sunrisers in a song while they occupy the entrance to the DNC headquarters in DC.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
A young Sunrise leader gives a speech while being surrounded by fellow Sunrisers who occupy the entrance to the DNC headquarters in DC to demand a presidential climate debate.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
Sunrise Movement activists watch the presidential debate on a screen outside the DNC headquarters in DC during the sit-in.
Sunrise Movement activists June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
A Sunrise leader gives a speech while being surrounded by fellow Sunrisers who occupy the entrance to the DNC headquarters in DC to demand a presidential climate debate.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
A young Sunrise activist sits on the steps of the DNC headquarters in DC, holding an "11 years" sign. She is surrounded by fellow activists.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
Sunrise Movement activists completely occupy the entrance to the DNC headquarters in DC. They are singing and holding signs saying "Climate Debate", "This Is An Emergency. Act Like It", "Green New Deal", "Green Jobs For All", among others.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
A "This Is An Emergency. Act Like It" banner is in the foreground as activists camp overnight outside the DNC headquarters in DC.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in
A Sunrise organizer lights candles on the sidewalk in front of the DNC headquarters in DC as protesters prepare for their first night camping out as part of the sit-in.
June 2019 DNC Climate Debate Sit-in

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