
We Proudly Endorse Jessica Cisneros

Sunrise Movement proudly endorses Jessica Cisneros for TX-28

Sunrise Endorses Jessica Cisneros for Texas’s 28th Congressional District

Jessica Cisneros is a young immigration lawyer and a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants from Laredo, Texas, and she’s running to unseat Representative Henry Cuellar (TX-28), “Big Oil’s favorite Democrat.”

As Texans froze to death during the Texas Freeze last winter, Henry Cuellar spent his winter cozying up to the people responsible for the climate disaster: fossil fuel corporations. While he left communities to fend for themselves, Jessica fought hard for her community because she knows firsthand the countless ways politicians like Cuellar have failed the people they’re supposed to serve.

Our movement was proud to support Jessica Cisneros for Texas’s 28th in nearly defeating Henry Cuellar in 2020, bringing her within just ~2000 votes from victory. That’s why we’re excited to help finish what we started and seal the deal together in 2022!