Movement updates

Statement: Standing with Charlottesville

White supremacists marched on Charlottesville, VA

Statement: Standing with Charlottesville

Official statement of the Sunrise movement on the “Unite The Right” rally and the August 11th and 12th violent attacks in Charlottesville, VA:

“Yesterday, white supremacists from around the country marched by the hundreds on Charlottesville, Virginia — a place that I call home and love dearly. They came waving confederate flags, brandishing swastikas, and chanting racist slurs. They carried torches, guns, and hatred in their hearts. Courageous people from our community organized to resist their message and protect our home in Charlottesville. They were met with violence. Dozens — including friends of mine — were injured, and a young woman named Heather Heyer was killed.

“Stopping climate change is about protecting all of humanity. We fight for a world where all can live together in peace. No people — because of the color of their skin, where they live, or how much money they make — have more of a claim to this world than anyone else.

“Fossil fuel CEOs have gotten away with carrying out their unpopular and dangerous agenda by dividing us, buying out our politicians, and consolidating their power in our government. Our movement’s success depends on us uniting, across our differences, by the millions.

We denounce those who want to divide us — be they politicians beholden to fossil fuel executives, or white supremacists who say this land belongs only to them. We stand with the people of Charlottesville and against racism in its many forms.

“On so many fronts, our world is in desperate need of healing.”

Dyanna Jaye, volunteer leader with Sunrise

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