Movement updates

Why we’re fighting for migrant justice

Why we’re fighting for migrant justice

This past week, we’ve watched, angry and heartbroken, as more and more images, videos, and recordings flood in of the cruel separation of families at the border and the internment of children in chain-link detention cells. We’ve watched as members of the Trump Administration reach new lows, defending their inhumane policies to the public day in and day out.

Yesterday, after weeks of lying to the American public, saying he was powerless to stop the separation of families, Trump signed an executive order to detain families together in internment facilities. But placing children in cages with their parents instead of by themselves is not a solution. The horrific conditions and subhuman treatment these families endure remains unchanged. There are thousands of detained children who we may never be able to reconnect with their parents.

Underneath the Trump administration’s political charade is a calculated, systematic effort to exclude certain people from our country just because of the color of their skin or where they come from. Falsely casting black and brown families seeking refuge from violence as a threat to America is an act of extreme moral negligence and a blatant disregard for American values.

We are sick of it, and we refuse to stand by while it happens.

In the last decade, over 24 million people have been displaced from extreme weather events alone. In some of the most climate-vulnerable regions of the world, that number is expected to increase eight times over in the next thirty years. As climate change continues to drive migration and exacerbate the global refugee crisis, will the millions who seek sanctuary in safer lands risk being imprisoned, dehumanized, and stripped of their basic human rights, too?

This moment is a test of our values. As youth leaders in the climate movement we are choosing to stand together with other movements for change, to take action and help stop the violence against our families and communities.

Here are a couple ways you can join us to stand up and fight back:

  1. Our friends at Cosecha are having a call TONIGHT at 7pmEST to discuss the fight to end migrant detentions and how you can get involved. You can register here.
  2. On June 30th, join a #FamiliesBelongTogether action near you to demand the Trump Administration stop the war on our families and children. Here’s a toolkit to help you clarify what’s happening at the border and how you can help.
  3. Join immigrant justice group Mijente’s call for direct action to #AbolishICE.

Together, we must show up and speak out. Let’s unite to build a world where every person is treated with the dignity and respect we deserve.

This post will be updated with additional information and opportunities to take action as we receive them.

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